Άμυνα & Διπλωματία

Μήνυμα Ερντογάν στην Ελλάδα για τους "8"

Μήνυμα στον Αλέξη Τσίπρα ενόψει της επίσκεψή του στην Τουρκία έστειλε ο Ρετζέπ Ταγίπ Ερντογάν μέσω του Εθνικού Συμβουλίου της χώρας το οποία συνεδρίασε χθες.

Ο Τούρκος πρόεδρος εξαπέλυσε απειλές κατά της Ελλάδας και της Κύπρου για το Αιγαίο, και την Ανατολική Μεσόγειο, ενώ επανέρχεται για το θέμα των οκτώ στρατιωτικών που ζήτησαν άσυλο τους οποίους, χαρακτηρίζει «τρομοκράτες» και «πραξικοπηματίες».

«Τονίστηκε ότι είναι απαράδεκτο ορισμένες χώρες να αποφεύγουν την έκδοση φυγόδικων μελών τρομοκρατικών οργανώσεων. Η έκδοση τους απαιτείται από το διεθνές δίκαιο και τις υπογραφείσες συμφωνίες», αναφέρει χαρακτηριστικά το ανακοινωθέν. 

Στο ίδιο ανακοινωθέν αναφέρει ότι η Τουρκία παρακολουθεί στενά τις εξελίξεις σε σχέση με τα δικαιώματα της από τις Διεθνείς Συνθήκες στην Κύπρο, στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο και στο Αιγαίο και λαμβάνει όλα τα μέτρα για την προστασία των συμφερόντων της.

Η ανακοίνωση της Τουρκικής προεδρίας στα αγγλικά

In the written statement issued after the meeting, it was stated that all aspects of the important internal and external developments, which closely concern Turkey’s security, were addressed, a security review of 2018 were made, and measures to be taken against potential risks and threats in 2019 were discussed.


It was noted in the statement that the Council was briefed on the operations conducted at home and abroad against all terrorist organizations, particularly Fetullah Terrorist Organization/Parallel State Structure (FETO/PSS), PKK/PYD-YPG and DAESH, which threaten Turkey’s national unity, solidarity and continuity, and that the complementary measures, which are taken as part of the anti-terror fight for ensuring security along Turkey’s southern border, and against terrorist organizations’ methods aimed at disrupting peace in the country, were addressed.

Voicing appreciation over all institutions and organizations’ acuminous actions on the issue, it was also pointed out in the statement that the call to end the foreign support given to terror and terrorist organizations’ members is reiterated; and that the fight against all terrorist organizations will uninterruptedly continue.


The statement further read: “It was underlined that it is unacceptable that some countries refrain from extraditing the fugitive members of the terrorist organizations, and that extraditions are required by international law and agreements.” Pointing to the positive outcomes Turkey has achieved both through diplomacy and in the operations it previously conducted to secure its border with Syria, the statement underlined that Turkey’s determined stance regarding the preservation of the current status in Idlib, the rapid implementation of the Manbij road map and the fulfillment of the agreements reached with regard to the east of the Euphrates will continue.”

It was also stressed in the statement that the aim of Turkey, for which it is a matter of principle to fight against all terrorist organizations, is to enable millions of Syrians forced to leave their homeland to return to their homes, to preserve Syria’s political unity and territorial integrity, and it was underscored that the formation of the Constitutional Committee, which has a critical role in overcoming the crisis, will greatly contribute to the climate of peace and stability.

It was further underlined in the statement that the developments in Cyprus, the Eastern Mediterranean, the Aegean and the Black Sea are followed closely, and that all measures to protect Turkey’s rights and interests emanating from international agreements will continue to be taken.

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